Thursday, February 10, 2011

PT- Day 3

It's going to be a challenge posting the stats today because there was such a small number of....accidents!

ZERO accidents! None! Not a one! Zilch. Nada. In fact, Jacob is so confident with his potty skills that tonight he shooed me from the bathroom. Thinking he would like some privacy his "business" I complied and stepped into the hallway. Apparently that wasn't far enough away because he told me to "go play in dere". So, I did. A little later we were in his room getting ready for bed and he wanted to try again (it's those durn false alarms he keeps having. I'll tell you about the gas station incident in a minute.), as he walked from the room he gave me the stop sign with his hand and said "stay ride dere." And I did. It was hard, but I did.

A word about the false alarms. Darling son, you don't have to run and sit on the potty every time you toot. And why are you so gassy anyway?

So, this morning I woke up and knew instantly that I would be going to the doctor. All I want is some medicine to do whatever it takes to relieve the pressure inside my head. You might think all the pressure would be from the vast amount of brain stored up there, and while some of it is (STOP LAUGHING) most of it is just snot. Sorry to be gross, but I couldn't think of a nice euphemism for snot like I did with the "business" reference earlier. Anyways, it's the kind of pressure where when I bend over, it makes my entire head pulsate with waves of pain. I truly hope thats not a brain aneurism. When I told the doctor about that symptom and the pain in my neck I also experience, she didn't even look at me. If it is a brain aneurism, someone sue her after the funeral. Thanks.

Anyways, my mom was kind enough to drop what she was doing to run over and keep the kids since I didn't yet want to rock the potty training boat by potentially having to get Jacob to use a foreign toilet. My sister in law was kind enough to get me a spot in at her doctors office where she works and she even let me sit in her office and breathe my germs in there while I waited for my turn. If thats not love....and to prove how the waves of aneurism pain and stuffiness have affected me, I didn't take one Reece's cup or Hershey's hug from the bowl in her office. I didn't even put one in my pocket for later.

Well, this is not a diary, so no need to give you every detail of my life. So I will move on. Tony kindly offered to fix dinner tonight. So I loaded up the kids and met him at Chick-fil-a. He is such a wonderful man. And I don't mean that as a joke. He is a wonderful husband, dad, friend...he's a great guy. I was nervous about the whole foreign toilet thing again, but I also felt confident in Jacob. I did pack extra clothes, just to be safe.

Can I follow a rabbit trail a moment? Is putting his most nerdy and uncool outfit in his bag as his emergency clothes a mean thing to do? I don't want him to have an accident and thats what he gets out to wear and it feels like a scarlet letter or something. But I don't want to put his good clothes in there either because most likely I'll forget about them and they won't get worn until I rediscover them one day this summer. And as you all probably know his good clothes aren't really all that great either. I need a stylist for my son as badly as I need one for myself.

Ok. I'm done.

So, we did have to attempt the chick-fil-a potty and I cringed the whole time and then I gave him a bath in the sink with hand sanitizer when we were finished. He did nothing in the potty. False alarm. He did say something that made my heart stand still, though. He said something that sounded like "need to poop". Sound the alarm! Clean up our table! We have to leave now! If I was terrified of a #1 accident, a #2 accident!!! thats all I can say, !!!!. Halfway home Jacob said he had to go. I turned into a gas station, burst out of the car, ripped him out of his seat and onto his little potty that I had the foresight to bring with me. Nothing. Waiting. Breathing hard. Nothing. Ummmm. Did we just moon the entire intersection of Hwy 81 and Bold Springs for a FALSE ALARM???

Yes. Yes, we did.

I'm sure you are ready to wrap this series on potty training. I tell you, I am too. Tomorrow I get to leave the house, drop off the kids and go away all by myself. To see our accountant. That will be a riveting post for tomorrow. I'll give you a preview: all the papers I there something else you need?......well.....uh.....there should be a form 1258466846 and ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I know. This is long. I'm sorry. I'm dying for conversation over here.

1 comment:

  1. He will get bored with the false alarms....they are a good sign though! Great job Jacob....and way to go mom! You go have "fun" at your accountant's office. At least it's not the dentist. ;)
