Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Day, Another Milestone

February has been a month of milestones for my two dear ones. Jacob had the potty training thing licked in no time. It was so easy, in fact, that I decided to go to the next level and move him to a big boy bed today. He was so excited he smashed his head into the wall on the first bounce on his new bed. Hopefully that taught him a lesson.

I was surprised how easy it was to take down the crib and to put it back together in Kaylen's room. Of course, it would have been much easier if I would have kept all the screws in my pocket rather than letting Jacob be in charge of the 4 screws that hold the mattress up. He gave me back two as soon as I asked for them, the other two, he just held up his hands. We looked everywhere. He even checked his pockets. Then finally, just as I was about to begin hitting my head against the wall, Jacob remembered he had screwed them into empty holes on the bed.

It was about this time I realized I had used all the twin sets of sheets I owned as drop cloths when I painted the inside of my house.

One trip to Target, a load of freshly laundered new sheets, supper, bath and a million kisses later, my baby is tightly tucked into his new bed. When I say tightly, I mean tightly. We pulled up the covers and tucked them under the mattress. Hopefully that will hold him in there for the night.

Meanwhile, in the other room, I'm sure Kaylen is enjoying sleeping in a real bed for the first time in her life. I'm embarrassed to admit she's been sleeping in the pack n play since she was born. I hang my head in shame. Will this put her in therapy one day? Is this why she refuses to crawl? Would she be pulling up on things if she hadn't been confined to a 2 x 4 foot sleeping area for the last almost 10 months? I'll stop there. I'm sure she is fine...right?....right.

Kaylen reached a milestone of her own too. She has finally decided that the little flavored puffs and yogurt bites are acceptable for her to eat. And so she does, one little piece at a time. I was beginning to think she'd be the first 5 yr old still eating pureed fruits and veggies. Thank goodness we seem to be on a path that will lead to solid food.

I think we've had enough milestones for a while. Can we just take a break from growing up? Thanks.

And there you have it, my tiny boy in a great big bed. For the record, I do intend to get him a comforter, however, I shall give the potty training a little more time to cement itself first. Blankets are easier to launder. 

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