Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am feverish. Cabin feverish.

Today was even better than yesterday! Here are the stats:

3 accidents vs. 10 victories including a #2!!!  

I have been telling Jacob a million times a day to tell me if he needs to go potty. Finally this afternoon he said "I don want to talk about potty." I guess he is getting tired of it. Well, me too, but we still have one day left. I am very glad to be more than halfway through this experience. I think he's really caught on because we even had to get out of the tub to use the potty. In the past location has never been an issue including the time he peed on my mom's knee. Right, mom? At least this time you might get a warning! Ha!

In other news, I am feeling better today in spite of much nose blowing and wiping. My voice sounds like I'm on the outer edge of puberty, which makes it difficult to sound comanding and important when I need to with Jacob. These days I need to sound that way alot.

Evidence that I've not been feeling well: I haven't worn my tennis shoes in 2 days. Thats huge if you know me well. That means I haven't done any sort of exercise in two whole days.
Evidence that I'm getting better: I jumped up and down when the UPS man dropped off the package containing my new ipod Nike sensor. Now I don't have to guesstimate how far I'm running any longer. RIP to my faithful old one who worked so hard these last two years. I shall give you a proper burial. In a shoe box.

I'm hoping tomorrow goes well. Maybe we will even give leaving the house a dry* run and see how it goes. *Please, please let it be dry! The walls are starting to close in on me. I'm getting a little stir crazy. To prove my point, I even ate icecream just a minute ago, that I couldn't even taste, because I was feeling so loopy from the last two days. I don't know what it is about icecream that restores proper perspective, but it did help me. Or maybe it was the chocolate syrup. Don't ask me why I went to the trouble of adding syrup that I couldn't taste either. It's all in the name of therapy.

Before I close, one little person deserves a million hugs and kisses for being so good these last two days and putting up with the semi-neglect. "Kayween" as Jacob has been calling her lately (don't ask me why, he's always said her name correctly in the past) has been an absolute cute as can be, chubby wubby cheeks, cupcake, powdered donut nose, sweet tater, lump of love angel baby for the last two days. How blessed can one mom be? A genius man-child and a perfect angel. Wow.

Did I mention that Jacob actually took himself to the bathroom and went potty without telling me (shame on me for not paying closer attention!) and got most of it in the potty?!?! I tell you, he's Harvard bound. or MIT or heck, maybe he's too smart for those places and he'll start his own college!

Getting a little crazy here. I told you I was getting loopy!


  1. Wow, I'm glad you are almost done with a mostly successful potty training experience. It sounds like you've had an interesting week so far. Hope you continue to feel better!

  2. I think it's time you brought those babies to me for the a little while and had some recovery time. I'm so proud of Jacob. Is he wearing big boy pants? I know that all of mine when they finally got to the point they were ready, if they wore them all the time (except at night of course), they did much better. Something about that wet bottom in something other than a diaper is not fun.
