At this moment, a mother whom I have never met, is giving birth to a baby boy who will not live- unless God chooses to miraculously heal his sick little body. Although I have never spoken to this mother, I feel like I know her. I've read her blog, I've prayed for this sweet baby and tonight I've shed tears for her as I cannot imagine the heartbreak of this time in her life.
I've seen the 3D ultrasound pictures and baby Jaxton is absolutely perfect. A sweet little nose, chubby cheeks, I would even be so bold as to say he looks like his mommy. But God has chosen that he have a condition known as Trisomy 13 which has a 0% survival rate. Jaxton has a hole in his heart. Jaxton has omphalocele- a condition (my interpretation of what I think the medical jargon was saying) where there is a problem with the stomach wall and the intestines protrude out of the naval and grow outside of the body. Jaxton has semi-lobar holoprosencephaly - severe mental retardation.
And with all this, he is fearfully and wonderfully made. His life is still precious. If he were the only sinful being on this earth, Jesus would have died just for him. In a world that would say to terminate his life because he has many many obstables and problems, his godly parents chose the difficult path of obedience. And it was not a mistake. Not Jaxton's life, not his medical issues, not his birth. Not the next hours, days or more of his life.
Ps. 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well." NIV
Tonight I pray for courage for this family, and peace and comfort. Tonight I thank God for my sweet babies, one the playground bully the other my sweet smiler/loud shrill screamer both who are also fearfully and wonderfully made.
You can read about baby Jaxton here:
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