Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Declutter Your Inbox

I unsubscribed to Loft and Gap and somehow continue to receive their daily- feels like hourly- emails. I unsubscribed again and like clock work my email pings with the arrival of another great sale. I bought something online from Anthropology. And every day, I get a new message from them. "Did you see our latest spring fashions that you can't afford, but we will taunt you with??" It's getting annoying. 

If you ever buy fabric online, you can forget it. Your inbox will be full every day. Full. 

I made the comment to a friend about how much junk mail I get every day. How I miss the important things because there is so much clutter in my inbox. She told me something that changed everything. And, because I like you, I want to pay it forward. 

It's a thing called . You may already be familiar with this, I was not. Basically, you allow this program access to your email and it will go through all your subscriptions and either unsubscribe for you, or add it into a email that includes all the junk mail in a single message from It's genius. And it works. Every once in a while will scan through and find messages that are subscriptions and ask me if I want to add them in. I always tell them, yes. 

Want to make your life easier? click here

You are welcome. 

Note: did not pay me for this endorsement. But if they would like to, I accept cash. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, girl. I have a Hotmail account and it will "sweep" my Inbox for me. Basically, every time an email comes in from a store, restaurant, etc it will automatically send it to a folder I've created. That way, the discounts are there when I'm ready to use them, but I don't get barraged by them every time I open my Inbox. :)
