Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Decisions Decisions

There was almost no discussion between Tony and I when August 15, 2008 rolled around and I packed up my desk, shutdown my computer and left the professional world permanently. We always knew that when we started our family, I would stay home. 

The first six months after Jacob was born I job hunted online almost every day. The economy was crashing, work was scarce for Tony since the construction industry was exceptionally hard hit and I was scared. 

Leaving my job cost us lot of money. Not only did my income support us when Tony needed to reinvest in his young company rather than take a paycheck, it was often more than half of our yearly wages. In addition to that, my job supplied our health insurance, paid for my cell phone and I had a weekly gas allowance. So, not only did we lose an income, it cost money for me to be home.  When our monthly budget was put on paper, the numbers did not work.  

Staying home was never a financial decision. If it were, I'd probably have stayed at work. We arrived at the conclusion that to say "we couldn't afford it" was to say that we didn't trust God to provide. A lesson Tony handles with a simple trust  that I often envy. Too often I find my faith in my bank account and not in the One from whom all blessings flow. 

In the five years I've been at home, never once has Tony told me to find work. And never once have we gone without. In fact, we are able to live a life on one income that most of the world only dreams of. 

While it might seem like such a huge financial decision should have been carefully weighed and analyzed before being made, there was almost no discussion between Tony and I. None was needed. It was the easiest decision we have ever made. 

Be encouraged, if you are called to do something, God will always provide. Even if it's watch soap operas and eat bon bons as most stay at home moms I know do. 

*This is in no way a judgment on whether or not you stay at home, nor if you trust God as your provider. It is simply our story. Only the sincere of pursuit of God's will can determine what is right for your family. 

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