Between the pears, apples, hourglasses and rectangles, there is much variety in this world. The only down side to this variety is that the world pretty much only likes one look. I think we all know what that is. So for the rest of us not naturally blessed with an hourglass figure it means a lifetime of diets, hours in the gym and thousands in clothes and cosmetics trying to mask our deficiencies. We run, crunch, pushup (in more ways than one!), lunge, all in an effort to be that perfect shape.
It's hard trying to please an unforgiving world. Their standard is too high to attain and impossible to maintain without an army of trainers, nutritionists, stylists and....plastic surgeons.
This one thing I know:
Your children will never measure your love for them in pounds and inches, but in hours and minutes.
I was reminded of this by a friend who's 5 year old came home from kindergarten with a worksheet that said "I love my mom because" and sweet Audrey filled in the blank, "she plays with me." Not she looks good, she is in great shape, she is an hourglass! but T.I.M.E.
Precious, fleeting, time. How often have I turned to look at the computer, or magazine when my little son wanted my attention? How often have I insisted that this and that needs to be done now, rather than picking up my daughter and holding her close, snuggling her soft cheek against mine.
I'm a rectangle, and without pretty serious medical intervention, I will always be one. I can't change the shape of my body, but I can shape the influence I have on my children. I can shape their experience with the example of a godly wife and mother, I can shape their view of themselves and how special they are with the click of a mouse and the flip of a magazine cover. A book can wait, so can the computer, but my baby...I only get today once. Then it's gone forever. Then I only get one tomorrow. And pretty soon, it's over too. Precious, fleeting, time.
I'm going to work to make my shape a little rounder, encircling my children in my arms, pulling them close, whispering my love to them as I hold their sweet bodies tightly as I can. Holding onto today for as long as possible.
Playing catch, coloring pictures, lunch date just us two, swinging, swimming, a book at bedtime. Hugs, cars, building with legos, teaparty, dressup, a movie on the couch. Encircle, envelope, surround. Love your shape, the shape of love.
very beautiful and a really good reminder for me :-)