Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kiss This

One thousand. My approximation of the number of times that my kids bump, bang, hit, crunch, stomp, slip, fall, crash and injure themselves every day. For Kaylen the number might be slightly higher since she is the little sister to a Neanderthal. A most loving, cute and clumsy Neanderthal.

Among the assorted items on my job description, you will find "boo-boo kissing". I kiss a lot of boo-boos, many in places I don't really want to kiss since I know exactly where and what those fingers, feet etc have been doing all day. It ain't pretty. Jacob's fingernails are perpetually black. His toenails can be mistaken for clods of dirt. Knees, elbows, you name it- all dirty, dimpled kissable injury prone spots.

500. My approximation of the number of injurys that would be avoided if Jacob {in particular at this time, but Kaylen would be wise to take note as well} would heed my warnings and obey when I see him doing something he shouldn't. Sadly for him he finds out numerous times every day that it hurts to disobey. I can't tell you how many times I've told him to stop doing something that he doesn't stop doing only to have him in tears mere moments later. Why? All together, It hurts when we don't obey!

Two days ago Tony sent a monkey messenger {that would be Jacob, not an actual monkey} to me with a pink and purple tool kit! It's my very own and it's got a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, tape measure and a few other essentials- all in pink and purple. I'm thrilled with it and so is Jacob. I have warned him the tools are for mommy only, but that boy cannot resist tools, not that I blame him given it's his birthright. Two warnings passed before my pale pink tape measure snapped shut on his pinky resulting in a bloody fingernail and, of course, tears and the necessary boo-boo kiss. It hurts when we don't obey.

This life lesson truly is a lesson for life. Only instead of clicking a tape measure shut on our fingertip, our sins are likely to be much more serious and the consequences far more severe. It's a lesson that we have to learn over and over again, often with a ripple effect touching people and places we never expected. I've run so many times to my Father's arms, crying and seeking comfort when I've done wrong. His arms are always open, ready for my wayward self, telling me, "It hurts when you don't obey" as he wraps His arms around me and loves me anyway.

Proverbs 13:15

  Good understanding giveth favor;

But the way of the transgressor is hard.

Camo bandaid+ kiss from mom= smiling once again

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it so funny how they seem to be so proud to show off those boo boo's that hurt so much. Look at that smile.
