Sunday, May 29, 2011

To the left, to the left!

Yesterday we made Jacob the happiest boy in the world by giving him a metal pedal tractor. It's orange, it makes noise, and it has a "twailer"- it could not be more perfect. Well, yes it could actually, as it was a Craig'sList find and we paid about a quarter of what these things cost new...and it's as good as new!

This child is so enamored with his tractor that he wanted to ride it first thing this morning and cried when he was told we had to go to church first! This from a kid who really loves to go to church! As soon as he got home he got right to work, hooking and unhooking his trailer and riding around pulling rocks in his trailer.

He is really fortunate in that we have three acres of almost all open space to play in. It's shady in the back, flat in the front- a really great yard! Our driveway alone would feel like a 30 mile commute to his baby legs trying to pedal that metal down and back!

The thing that really makes me laugh, though, is that with all this space he has to ride in- our three acres we call home - he still manages to drive straight into a bush.

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