Tuesday, May 3, 2011


You never appreciate the value of a good day, until you have a bad one. It all started when I didn't get up to run as planned. My alarm went off and I thought for a minute about getting up and then turned it off. 40 minutes later I woke up from that deep sleep that happens after an interruption where you wake up and can't shake the tiredness. I should have just gotten up. Running in the early mornings gets my blood pumping, my brain turned on, my focus set for the day. I do my best praying when I'm running.

Jacob was such a two year old today. Man. I was ready to run away from home. The not obeying right away, the not listening, the blatant disobedience, the being messy just because, the pounding, the hammering, the making his sister cry, the running over Kaylen's fingers with *her* little horsey toy, the noise, noise, noise, noise, noise! And all of that was in a 20 minute span!! Add to that grocery shopping, grocery carts, coupons {yes, I'm back on that bandwagon. Yippee.}, crocs that won't stay on feet, adorable baby girls who won't sit in the cart even when strapped to it...and you have a mother who has one foot out the door. You have a mother who is this close to buying a box of oatmeal cream pies and eating every single one. You have a mother who is OUT OF HER MIND!

As I was muttering incoherently to myself, I began to think is one small boy the sole reason this day is one not to write home about. Or blog about? Is that possible? He is so small....and cute...and has the fattest little porkchop feet. If I back up a little and look at the bigger picture, what other things might I find that contribute to a day such as this. Here is what I discovered:
Although it appears that Jacob is the main problem, if I add up the other pieces of the pie....ummm......yeah. I'm the other half of the problem.

Looks like it's a humble pie. I think the recipe needs a little tweaking and maybe tomorrow it will come out sweeter.  So, tomorrow, when my alarm goes off, I'm getting up. I'm going to excercise, release those happy endorphines, get focused, pray for my day. Can't do that if I'm in the middle of a REM cycle!

As for the whole running away thing. Well. Once those two munchkins were in their beds, napping away....I decided I'd give it one more day.

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