Saturday, January 15, 2011

Report Card

Let's check in with the kids and see how they did this week.

Eating: A+ -  ate like a piggy all week

Diapers: C - used way too many. Or maybe that should be a C on my report card since I haven't yet  started my New Years Resolution of potty training.

Keeping hands to self: D  F pummeled little boy on Chick-fil-A playground numerous times and without remorse. Recruited little buddy, Parker, to also pummel boy. Boy cried. I think Jacob's apologies to the kid sounded something like "I'm sorry I have to keep hitting you, but you are a pansy."
Being nice to "sisser": B - I was going to give him a C because I saw him kick her in the head yesterday, but I upgraded him since he kissed her head immediately afterwards.

Helping Mommy: A+ - he is always my best helper. He even tried to help carry Kaylen. Wasn't that nice? I won't hold the pulling her head part against him. We'll just leave it at, it's the thought that counts.

Obeying: ...... . . . . *crickets* So this still needs some work. Sneaking candy (which he proceeded to eat in front of me. I hope this is as sneaky as he ever gets), taking toys from Kaylen, climbing on furniture. Ok, so it really wasn't a bad week for obeying. I'll give him a B.

Summary: Jacob is the best baby boy a mother could ask for.

Eating: D - Meals would go much quicker if you would actually open your mouth. As for Tony's comment that she wouldn't cry when I clean her face after meals if I would clean it before the food dries, my response- it's dry long before we are done eating because she takes so stinking long.

Diapers: B - too wiggly on changing table. Giving mommy a D- for the diaper rash. Sorry about that.

Keeping hands to self: A+ -she does this very well. She particularly likes to beat on her own belly like it's a kettle drum

Being nice to brother: A+ -but only because she isn't yet mobile. If she could walk, I know she'd be terrorizing him.

Helping Mommy: D -if you really want to help mommy you would open your mouth during meal times.

Obeying: N/A -give it a few more months

Summary: Kaylen is the sweetest baby girl in the world. I'm so glad she's mine.

My heart absolutely bursts with love for my precious babies. They fill my life with joy, they expand my capacity to love, they inspire me to pray, they make me laugh, they challenge me to be the best that I can be. What a gift motherhood is.


  1. i love it! Parker gets a shout-out in your blog....woohoo! But i would prefer it were for something positive. Maybe next time. also, I noticed you changed your background already....nice picks.

  2. Cute post. Love the footprints.

  3. Really sweet Jenny! You're a good mom and a good writer :-)
