Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Deep Seated Fear

Potty Training would...

1. Be much cheaper than diapers.
2. Be much less stinky than diapers.
3. Be a desireable trait in a child of Jacob's age.
4. Make more room in the diaper bag...for more diapers. Hmm...
5. Mean that Tony has to wipe his bottom since he would be using the men's room when the whole family is out together.
6. Give more time for other things since it's faster than diapering. 
7. Be greener. See, I love the planet. Quick, find me a tree so I can hug it. 
8. Give Jacob a chance to find out what it's like to have to use the restroom with an audience. 
9. Mean that Jacob gets to finally wear the cute lil undies he got in his Christmas stocking (I know, what can I say. I'm a good gift giver.)
10. Give me yet another opportunity to brag on my smart baby boy.

If all of this is true...

Then why am I so scared!?

1 comment:

  1. Don't be. It's one of those things that I don't even remember it being so difficult.
