Sunday, July 21, 2013


Conversations with a four year old usually center on topics that don't go much deeper than the tip of your finger. That's right. Boogers. Or poop. Or building and building materials. That's what we talk about around here. But occasionally we break through to deep topics. Today it was about heaven.

 At first Jacob was concerned about leaving his dog if he went to heaven with God. Who would take care of Diesel? Good question, my thoughtful boy. I told him, "God made you and loves you so much! And guess what, He also made Diesel, so don't you think He loves him too?" A nod. "Then no matter where you are, you don't have to worry, God will take care of Diesel." Ok, that was a toughy. But I think that answer was pretty good. Next!

As our conversation continued I had the opportunity to explain heaven and hell to Jacob. "Is hell a mean place?" he asked. "Mean, dark, angry and very very hot." I said, "And the worst part is that it's where the Devil lives. But God can never ever be there." Brow furrowed. "Why is the devil mean?" I looked at that precious face in my rearview mirror, "Because he doesn't know God. And he doesn't know the love of God. And since he doesn't know how to love, he is mean and he wants to hurt people, even little boys." That's a new concept for Jacob, who doesn't yet see the ugly in the world, nor experience the suffering of ones completely innocent. "But why?" He was  perplexed. 

How is it possible that anyone would want to hurt precious little children? How can it be that  someone would want them to suffer and die? It's a question that I can't answer, except to know that it's because Satan doesn't know Love. And when you know Love, how can you keep it to yourself? How can you not pass it on because true Love overflows and overwhelms. 

I felt convicted. In a world that sees so much of the handiwork of hate, where is the overflow of Love? Let it start with me. Let it start with my children. There is a whole world of little boys and little girls and big boys and big girls that Satan wants to hurt, but such an abundance of Love that it can change the whole world. 
Let Love overwhelm you, and I promise, it will overflow. 

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:8

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