Thursday, September 20, 2012


I love Jacob's simple logic. I'm sure as he ages and matures so will the complexity of his reasoning, but for now, it's pretty straight forward. I am cold, I need a blanket. I am hungry, I need a donut. (ok, so it needs a little refinement) I am sad, I need a hug. A problem and a solution without too many steps involved. I am out of nails, go to Home Depot. Kaylen is bothering me, cover her with a laundry basket. I lost my shoes, go ask mom. So basic, but workable.

This simple logic goes beyond the day to day things and into the spiritual realm too. I hit Kaylen, that is bad. I told the truth, that is good. I love Jesus, He loves me. It's the tiny, green rootlets of faith. The seed, planted and being watered and nurtured as it begins it's life of growth. No grey area exists in this black and white world. Sin is bad. God is good. The Bible is God's Word. It is true. Jesus died for me. Jesus rose again. Jesus is coming again. It's a beautiful place to be, really. A place where the boundaries are defined, the Boss is supreme and the benefits definitely outweigh the cost. 

It's the adults who cloud things up. Christianity wasn't meant to be like murky water, it should be clear and pure. A deep blue sky, on a fall day that goes on and on forever. We create the dress code, the music standards, the rules of what we do and how we do, when it really can be as simple as Jacob's basic logic. I do wrong, I need forgiveness. Jesus can forgive, I will turn to Him. Jesus always did right, I will try to be like Him. 

Religion, it's thick and heavy. A large book on a shelf with too many pages to read, a heavy dust jacket, a dull cover. 

But Jesus, it's simple. Clean clear water for a thirsty day. The quiet lap of an ocean wave. The confident full moon casting shadows in the middle of the night. Pure and beautiful like the soft, white wool of a Lamb. 

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now that's simple.

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