Thursday, July 5, 2012

Be Dazzled

The whole feeling of summer is so appealing to me. I love the icy, cold watermelon, the anticipation of a trip to the beach, the brightly colored towels always in the dryer from swimming, grilling out, and the way the sun shines until it is as tired as the kids who have played and played until both can't hold up their heads any longer and sink into their cool, cozy beds to prepare for another day.

The central month of our year houses one of my favorite holidays- the 4th of July. A lover of history, I love going back to that time so long ago when a rag-tag group of men and boys gallantly fought an imposing, trained army. When they continued to fight despite enormous odds because they fought for an idea that gave them hope and drive and purpose. How they willingly gave their life for a fledgling country, because they knew that the life they sought could only be found in freedom. Independence Day, a celebration that means so much more than the perfectly grilled hotdog and a scoop of homemade icecream. {Delicious as they are!}

I love the tradition of shooting fireworks. I love the sparkle, the colors, the boom, the drizzle and drip of the brightly sparking lights. Fireworks are my favorite part of the fourth of July.

This year Tony and I broke from tradition and took our kids out to watch fireworks in a teeny tiny dot on the map town called Gratis. I admit, the people watching was nearly as good as the fireworks. Nearly. They put on a great show, the whole thing was like the grand finale of most other shows we have seen. This little town saves up an entire year for their firework show, and the result is a constant stream of huge, brilliant fireworks.  

About two minutes before the show started, a kind lady on the blanket next to us gave Jacob and Kaylen some extra glow sticks that they had. The kids were immediately enamored and waved them up and down and high and low and in my face and in their face and were really mesmerized by their little dollar store glow sticks. The show started and both were still completely oblivious to the sparkling sky as they played with their new toy. Noticing Jacob sitting with his back to the show, playing with his simple little glow stick, I began to think how this was a picture of the Christian life.

We get so caught up and content with the glowstick of life, that we miss the dazzling firework show that we find when we look to Jesus. We play it safe in our work- home- bed-church routine that we never see the opportunity to live brilliantly. We illuminate [barely] the hand that holds the glowstick when we could light up an entire town. A city. A world. We never look past our simple life to find the invigorating life that is brightly lit with the joy of serving God and serving others.

While my kids missed most of the fireworks show, and won't get another one until next year, it's never too late to put away the glowstick life and begin to dazzle the world with the love of Jesus Christ. Keep looking at what is in your hand, and you just might miss the show of your life. Photobucket


  1. Oh my word! Brilliant post. Love it. I'm printing it out to share with my Bible study ladies tonight. I just love it! You need to start writing for a living. You have such a skill. Your children are beautiful! Love hearing about your life on this blog and facebook! Jennifer Buch

  2. Buch!!! Thank you so much! Wish you lived in this part of the world so we could reconnect ;)
