It has one little problem, however. It opts not to start randomly and without warning. My first time out in it we went to the mall with some friends and ended up stranded in front of Nordstrom long enough for us to send out a rescue crew for a spare vehicle located at a nearby relatives house, only to have the Tahoe decide to crank about 10 minutes after they left.
Yesterday the sly old Tahoe refused to crank after a family lunch at Olive Garden. So we left it in the parking lot. Fortunately, I was there with my car, so we weren't stranded. Later that night Tony and I went back for the car. The plan was for it to crank. Plan B was to roll it out of the Olive Garden parking lot and over to Academy Sports, where they have a lot more parking available. That way #1 OG wouldn't have our car towed and #2 Tony could work on the car without people lining up waiting for our parking spot.
In spite of my fervent prayers that the car crank right up, it did not. So I parked my car, got in the drivers seat and Tony got a running start. Small problem. I could not turn the steering wheel, even after literally hanging from it with my 6 month pregnant body. This meant I could not possibly manuever the car over to the next parking spot. So, Tony got in the seat and got the wheel to turn, but we had to face reality, I could not be the driver. That left me as the pusher. I went to the back of the car and was poised and ready to push before Tony said no pregnant wife of his was going to push the car while he was in it. Fine. Then what?
I opted to go into the restaurant and ask a kind, strong-looking young man for assistance. Tony thought that was a terrible idea. We sat there a minute. Tony tried to crank. Nothing. He called his dad. His dad was too far away to be helpful, so I suggested I run into OG and ask for someone to help. All we needed was one male to get this show on the road. After his emphatic no, we sat there some more. Finally I offered a brilliant idea, I'd run into Olive Garden and return with someone who could help push the car. Not only did Tony flat out refuse the obviously smartest and easiest [albeit embarrassing] option, he told me not to say anything about asking for help again. Really?!
Then an angel dressed as an average hairy man in a big white truck pulled up and asked if we needed help. YES!!! I said it before Tony could say no. He would have said no, even though the fact is that yes, we needed help.
Our good Samaritan got out a tow rope and prepared to pull us to the next parking lot. And then, just as Tony was about to put the car into neutral, it cranked. Oh the jubilation.
Silly, silly man. Don't you know that I was put here to help you? That there is no shame in asking for help when you need it? That God made me to be the help-meet to go into the world's Olive Garden's so that you don't have to?
I married a kind and good man. A man who I can trust implicitly, who I respect mightily, who keeps me grounded and makes me feel safe. He's perfect in nearly every way.
Men, this is for you. Just let us do our thing. Sometimes, it's really the best option.
Genesis 2:18
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
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