Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Do This

In August I joined the Pinterest craze. And fell in love.

In the beginning, if I looked at the website before bed, I'd get so pumped with creative energy that my heart would pound and my mind would race and I could not fall asleep. From the DIY ideas to the recipes to everything in between, Pinterest is a pretty cool site. This is not a paid advertisement. {Unfortunately}.

One of the best ideas I stumbled upon back in August was a memory jar. It could really be a book or anything you want it to be, but something that you keep out in a conspicuous place and that you write down the daily tidbits that you want to remember someday.

Tonight Tony and I read through our 2011 memories. I wish I had them all the way back to January, but the ones I had delighted my soul. They were sweetness, pure golden honey sweetness.

Here are a few of our precious memories:

July  - Jacob thinks pony tails are called "veggie tales"!

11.15 - Jacob was caught licking the cheese shaker at the pizza place, not even trying to hide!

11.1 - If you tell Jacob to do something he is already doing, instead of saying "I am" he says, "Am are!"

9.28 - Kaylen is finally taking more steps!!!

8.3 - Jacob saw a picture of himself and said, "Thats my boy!"

8.4 - At breakfast Jacob prayed for "my mommy and my daddy and my Kaylen".

See, absolute gems, maybe not so valuable to you, but priceless to me. We are only 4 days into 2012, a perfect time to begin writing down these sweet times, cementing them in ink.

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