Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things...

Please forgive my absence. It seems I can't blog while pregnant. Not sure why, but the baby apparently is using my creativity as some sort of nutrition and has sucked me dry.

This time of year is extremely busy for us. With both sides of the family local, there is something almost every weekend of the month with one or both sides of the family. Not counting anything we want to do with friends, we stay running Thanksgiving through New Years. In a lot of ways, I feel like I spend all my time and energy just making it from one thing to the next, checking off each day like a to do list. It kind of takes the Joy out of the season. Makes it more of a chore.

It just so happens that Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the tree, the lights, the Christmas shopping, the Christmas eating, and all the socializing. Here are a few of my favorite things right now, in no particular order:

1. My new tree skirt. I made a ruffled tree skirt out of burlap and it's really pretty. I burned my hands with hot glue and don't have fingerprints any longer, but it was well worth it. It's gorgeous.

2. How my kids eyes lighted up when I plugged in their little Christmas tree in their rooms. They are so proud of their very own little tree.

3. Christmas parties. I love parties. And this year started off particularly well because I won an iPad at the first party we went to.

4. My iPad. Don't really know what to do with it, but I love it!

5. As hard and frustrating and crazy as it makes me at times, I love having my kids so close in age! I adore watching them play together, laughing, being silly and enjoying each others company.

6. Jacob loves to help! Whether it's helping me cook or lifting Kaylen up onto the couch, he is always ready and willing. He is a doll.

7. My hardworking husband. Tony has to miss out on a lot of the fun little things we get to do, but he doesn't complain, or pout, only enjoys it vicariously through our stories. I'm so grateful he wants me to stay home and works so hard to make it happen. 

8. Heated seats. I know its superfluous, an absolute extravagance. But I'm a wimp. And I get really cold.

9. I'm trying but I simply can't muster anything to put here about my cat. It's just...she's not one of my favorite things. And the feeling is mutual.

10. A time of year to draw your family close, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, to revel in happiness and joy in spite of a fearful and crazy world, to share Hope with others, to be ever so thankful for the loved ones we hold so dear.

In case the baby has a growing spurt and needs more of my creativity, I'm going to go ahead and wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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