Thursday, October 6, 2011

Running, But Where

Someone out there is telling stray animals to come to our house and I don't like it. Our latest squatter is a cat. A sweet, young, friendly cat with a coat of many colors. I haven't yet fed it hoping it would take a hint and move on, but alas, it likes dog food.

Of course it doesn't help that I caught Jacob out in the garage yesterday crushing up the dog food so that the cat could eat it better. Jacob loves this kitty. He believes that the cat was sent to him as a live stuffed animal that he can carry around, sit on, slide with and otherwise "torture". The strange thing is, the cat who is well armed with extremely sharp teeth and nails hasn't yet even hissed at Jacob much less bit or scratched him. It blows my mind. Although I've repeatedly told him to be gentle, he isn't. Not even a little. He picks the cat up by the skin, pulls it's tail, carries it in the most uncomfortable positions and manhandles it until it finally runs away.

Just after this picture, Jacob almost ran over the cat and it ran away. Understandably. Why it didn't bust him in the chops with a few horse kicks first, I don't know. He had the perfect opportunity. Anyways, the cat ran away as fast as he could and Jacob was devastated. Hurt. Inconsolable. Broken.

Even though I secretly felt the cat had done the smart thing, I still felt bad for Jacob. He LOVES this cat. A mother never wants to see their child sad and so I was prepared to love on my little guy until he forgot all about the mean old kitty and felt like he could climb mountains and swim seas and tame lions again. I opened my arms wide and Jacob ran right past me! To his tools!

As the nurturer in our home, I was kind of hurt. I'm used to being the one everyone runs to for everthing, so to just be skipped over, without even a glance, well, ouch. Are my hugs not the best? Do I not know exactly what to say? Am I not fully empathetic? I mean, I had three cats growing up, all of whom ran from me every time they saw me and I was always covered in scratches so I, of all people, really get it.

But no, Jacob took comfort elsewhere and I was left out in the cold.

Many times I have been upset and have taken comfort in things that don't really help- chocolate for example, or books, or exercising. I run right past the outstretched arms of my Father and rush to something tanglible, yet empty. A false rescuer. Turn to the Lord, He is the only one who can truly offer solace to a broken or wounded heart. His comfort is the only place where you can find healing for your hurt. And in return, His tender mercies will teach you how to show the same love to others. You can run to a cup of coffee, or have a shopping spree, or binge and purge. Or, you can rest in the assurances of a God of all Comfort.

 Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, the God from whom all help comes! He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God.
2 Cor. 1-3:4

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