It turns out that the best way to go to the Grower's Outlet and get my precious daisies with my babes was to take my mom along to do the heavy carrying (i.e. Kaylen). Jacob rode along on the cart with the flowers. Many thanks, Mother.
It was about this time that I got a call from an agent who wants to show my very much for sale house tomorrow. This of course, coincides terribly with the Pioneer Project which I didn't plan to have done by noon on Saturday. But we NEVER say no to a showing, rare and precious as they are, so here come (my) buyers (please Lord) tomorrow afternoon and please let them see my new flower bed first. Next to the bathroom and kitchen, I'm sure it's going to sell the house!
Today was Grammie Play Day, a montly meeting of the cousins to eat and play with Grammie. Grammie treats the mommies to a delicious lunch too! It's always a special treat. Our play day was at the Yellow River Game ranch and then lunch at Mountain Park.
All this to say, we were gone all day and still not home when I got THE CALL. Meaning two things. First, my kids were ready for naps by the time we got home. Second, I had to hurry before the kids woke up. I ran outside with my bags of dirt, composted manure and flowers and proceeded to finish the weed blood bath, pour out dirt, install flowers and wash my hands all in 1 hr.
And hurry I did. Sore armpits and all, I hauled, hit, hacked, heaved, hoed and generally worked up a sweat...and I was nearing the end of the house...feeling really happy...accomplished...
I turned the corner and saw this. Five armpit muscle miles left to go. And (my) buyers (please Lord) here between 12 and 2 tomorrow. Looks like homegirl better get herself inside and polish up the bathroom and kitchen!
But still...
Look at my little friends. I will be sad to leave them if my house sells... Almost!
Ps. If you..I mean YOU...are planning to go buy up some Gerber's at the Grower's Outlet tomorrow, save me some. I'm fresh out for the next half of the Pioneer Project.
P.s.s I am in a moral dilemma. Should I tell Tony about the strange black fabric stuff - for lack of a better word- that I kept pulling up down the entire length of my house? Or should I just wait until that wall collapses or something before saying..."oh that fabric stuff was to hold the wall on?! Ooooooooohhhh. Oops."
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